YOU Are NOT Meant To Be Worrying Your Life Away…

In your sincere effort to do the right thing, because you care so much - you are narrating your life as you see it instead of creating it how its meant to be! Did you know that the energy of TRUST, FAITH and certainty, along with developing a personal relationship with God/The Divine/Infinite Mind is absolutely necessary to live a soul aligned life of bliss and good fortune?

But you are so used to nagging yourself and thinking how things are wrong - you dont even see how toxic it is… This is why I am so passionate about this journey to take you deeper into trust and faith than ever before!

For a limited time you can get my MEGA sized program Trust Your Way Into Alignment For a Micro Amount of The Full Price.

This is one of my favorite programs I’ve ever made - if you understand the power of FAITH, TRUST, CERTAINTY to manifest/create your dreams into reality then you will jump on this.

If you truly GET the spiritual principles taught by Jesus, which isn’t about some outside force saving you - but YOUR own power of LOVE, FAITH AND BELIEF to save you - then you will KNOW the power of trust…

But you probably also know how hard it can be to get into TRUST and stay there

The way to truly manifest is to never let fear in.

Fear, doubt, and the anxiety of trying to figure it out will sabotage your dreams and NOW TIME HAPPINESS. It will spiral you into a pit of despair and struggle

But what if it got to be easier?

Sure, you will still have challenges - But TRUST Your Way Into Alignment will teach you how to approach them with true ease and grace.

You will learn HOW to stop stressing over decisions so you can tap into TRUST and make the right decisions for you from a place of faith, aligned with God/The Universal mind that lives within you and IS YOU!

So for a limited time - Ive decided to run a special offer, slashing the price of this program.

Why ?

Because God guided me to, essentially.

This is a non religious teaching, so whether you use terms like God and Jesus or Law of Attraction and Spirit - this will teach you the sacred principles of HOW to overcome the part of your mind (the negative) that robs you of your dreams and tap into LOVE (your Christ within) and become your own savior!

This is PRACTICAL mindset methods, along with bonus tapping videosĀ  to transform your entire mind and therefore LIFE!

oh heyyy

And as an added bonus - I will be doing a LIVE training on Zoom for current and new members of TRUST.

So if you’ve already bought - you get this included (even if you signed up years ago)

Members who go through this program report facing the toughest challenges with strength, trust and courage instead of falling apart…

They report energy, money and positive opportunities happening!

In fact they have so many random seeing things happen as they practice these teachings there are too many to name.

Get your spot now - be one of the top FIVE to sign up and you will get a mega bonus as my thank you.

You see, The Universe/God, rewards fast action.

Not because its a real reward, but because thats The Universal Law!

As Katrina Ruth says, When you say YES to your Soul, Life says yes to you! And the faster you say yes the faster and greater the good you receive!

So to positively bribe you into this for your own good…

I’ve also decided to offer my much loved program ” A Course In Divine Guidance” for FREE!

But again, only for the first five people who join.

So if you’ve been realizing you want to stop negative thinking, get out fear, into trust and MANIFEST WONDERFUL THINGS in a way where you learn how to love the life you live now before it even changes…

Then jump in and get your spot NOW.

Even if you miss out on the bonus - believe me, this program is worth its spiritual weight in gold.

Trust usually sells for $1,376

But as part of this special offer (along with the live training with replay on Zoom)…

You can jump in for 2 payments of $222 USD

Or get the pay in full discount for only $399

Yes I know its crazy - an almost $1000 discount.

its not because I dont value it, or anything like that…

Im simply in the spirit of giving.

I am lit up and excited to know that so many more amazing heart led entrepreneurs and ambitious career women will get to go through this

Right now its easy to get sucked into darkness - so as a gift from God through me - I am offering you this insane special rate.

Keep in mind there are TWENTY ONE MODULES in this journey

It is designed to keep coming back to over and over again over the months and years as part of your daily weekly and yes hourly spiritual inner work practice.

Get instant access now.

Date for live zoom call with replay to be advised.

One you sign up, message me to celebrate and see if you said yes in time for the top 5 bonus, and I will send it straight to you if you are!

With so much Love and encouragement
Kai xo

Sneak Peak!

Have a listen to just one of the many potent spiritual mindset teachings you will receive when you join us for The Trust Your Way Into Alignment Journey!

Do your best to listen with your heart, because this is deeply healing and uplifting.

Practice telling yourself these same words and concepts so you begin to believe it, which will immediately turn Divine Providence in your favor!

Watch This! A potent teaching on The Spiritual Principles that ensure you get what you want!

Fast Action Top 5 Bonus

At Time of Typing There Are Only 2 Left!

If you’re quick you can also get my potent program for free!
Sells at $444 - you will be upgraded to life time access as a bonus thank you!

Check out this training on deciding WHO you are, SO you get what you want in life!

Watch This: Discover the power of TRUST to get what you want in life!

Who Is Kai Ashley?

Hi, I’m Kai Ashley and I am a leader and healer who does NOT fit into the mainstream World - and I LIKE IT that way!

But growing up it was hard for me… I saw how wrong The World was. And through a constant string of negative experiences since the womb I developed PTSD, social anxiety and ended up with chronic diseases that I got to heal myself naturally from!

Gone are the days when I would blame and be triggered. When I would hate, steal and lie.. That’s like a distant memory, a dream that’s vague and way in the past now…

Now, I show up from a powerful place of Love, compassion, strength and understanding.

I’ve learned how to say NO to everything that is not of my heart - Im still on the journey everything is more my goal lol. But I am close and getting closer all of the time. You see following your Soul’s inner knowing is THE path to true success on all levels…

And this has been my journey.

I have helped, supported, guided and empowered thousands of amazing people around The World to clear the blocks in the way of their success.

From my YouTube channel, to my programs, to my private 1:1 work - I impact lives in a positive way that is uniquely my own approach. I have a way of explaining complex spiritual concepts in practical ways you can actually use in your daily life.

To me, spirituality is about being in your POWER.

Because you are a creative being, made in the image of God / The INFINITE….

You create. Full Stop.

But we have all been traumatized! Everyone is suffering a low to high level PTSD.

The way we think, the way we act, the way we punish ourselves with guilt and self abuse is not normal!

It is so against our natural state… And people wonder why they can’t just do a session and have everything be better? Nah, this is a spiritual success journey! As you heal how you feel inside about yourself you will naturally become more prosperous, successful, happy, and guided by Love…

This is what I am here on this Earth to do.

At one of my workshops in Bali


But let’s be real.

I am not some perfect angel on a cloud lol - sometimes I still drink and party…

But not like I used to. And lately, it’s been almost never.

It used to be this constant need for stimulation.

It used to hurt me to be sober.

But now I don’tĀ need that stuff anymore.

And even though I do it less and less… I’m not here to pretend we all have to be freaking perfect to move forward in our lives!

So if you want to be guided by someone who has been through the school of knocks and been able to move forward and succeed even with insecurities and all sort of issues, so you can see that you can level up right here, with you are right NOW. Then I’m your leader.

I’m someone who KNOWS how to overcome negative thinking, step into your power, listen to your heart and make great money moves, Love moves and fit and sexy moves in your life.. And has true love without judgement no matter what you’ve been through or done… Then I’m your lady.

Originally from Australia, I now live in The UK with my gorgeous Cockney English husband.

I call him my A-Dean-is (for Adonis, because he has a ripped body and his name is Dean lol).

We met on a Paradise Beach in Thailand and it was pretty much Love at first sight.

The moment he saw me, he was shocked because he had just put out a decision that he was ready to settle down with a wife who was bubbly, stubborn, strong, funny, gorgeous and whatever else he said lol.. And there I was bouncing around down on the dance floor.

He said to himself: That’s my wife!

And our love story began there.

I can’t wait to share my World with you.

Please join us in this or one of my offerings that call to you

And as an FYI in my 1:1 work I heal chronic pain and illness as part of your success journey…

So if you are interested in avoiding risky operations and healing physical stuff the doctors say can not be fixed, then send me a message.

Try my initial 1:1 session. If we are a great match I’ll invite you to come on a 6 month healing journey with me.

In the mean time, join us in my new baby, The Spiritual Expansion Society!

Get instant access to potent content that just by listening has the power to transform your attitude and therefore LIFE! Scroll down to snag your spot and dive into the content now.