WHY I Created This Journey For YOU & All of Us….

Hello Sweetheart!…

If you are a high level leader and passion driven entrepreneur…

I have created this program for YOU because I am sick of seeing you struggle…

Thinking that things are out of your control and feeling like everything is so hard!

I know what it’s like…. In my long journey I have been through many incarnations….

Most recently was fear of judgement and failure that made me hide… Feeling like nobody cared about me - but that was all just in my head. But because the thoughts were so strong and repetitive it really controlled my reality

And I’ve had enough of that!

Through overcoming some heavy addictions - and before that chronic anxiety, PTSD — and chronic illnesses as well…. I KNOW what it takes to heal and uplift and transform…

Somewhat recently I have truly uplevelled and left my old persona as the overweight ‘onesie girl’ to a vibrant and happy thought leader… And it is ALL because of the processes I am sharing with you in this program

Mixed with practices to help you uplift and expand…

And mindset practices to help you release resistance so life becomes EASY….

This program will set you free.

It is my intention to radically transform your life - and it will truly empower you, my darling.

So if you are getting a yes…

And you want to be part of a community of loving thought leaders..

Spiritual, uplifting women on a transformational journey…

Then take the leap of faith and join us today!

You will see you will get life time access to the digital program

PLUS right now the option for a select few to upgrade to VIP

Would you like to make bold decisions rather than shrinking away and staying stuck?

I got you there babe…

The reason we are afraid of making bold moves is because of the story we tell ourselves…

And we’ve been conditioned with these stories aka thoughts aka beliefs that keep playing around and around…

And what we focus on and FEEL will ALWAYS come true…


So the best way to make big changes and even little day to day decisions is to learn how to drop the story and tune into your soul’s guidance which is really your intuition…

You want to make sure.you are PHYSICALLY feeling around in your heart space so you bypass the ego mind… where the fear and your stories live

Because every moment you are reborn … literally…. the past doesn’t have to matter when you tap into a higher frequency and learn how to be guided from NOW…

And the cool thing is it is ALL about enjoying the moment and being pleased with what you have NOW…

It’s literally the practice.

Soooo simple!

But our patterns of thought make it super complicated


To solve this, you need to learn how to control your thoughts.

So when you can keep out fear and lean into trust and faith!

So you don’t not stress about what could go wrong…

Then everything begins to work out for you and you become attractive to good opportunities!


This is what joining us in TRUST will empower you to do!


This WILL be an entirely different way of thinking but I break it down easily so you can take practical action to take control and change your thinking.


What You Get


  • A program proven among my students to ground you fully in your power so moving forward with your truth and life purpose, and just being HAPPY and abundant becomes easy and second nature for you.


  • You get ME, Kai Ashley as your spiritual guide on demand through the audios and video teachings.. 


  • Journaling processes to release resistance and shift into abundance


  • EFT Tapping videos to reprogram your subconscious so you become a natural match to your desires


  • Meditations to tune you into the energy of God/Divine energy


  • You will raise your standards and natural vibration so you feel good more of the time and become a match to your desires so life gets better and better, and more and more easy


  • Processes to change your beliefs so you stop disempowering yourself and learn how to DROP the story and come back into alignment


  • These processes will help you make money with ease, transform your relationships, have more fun in your business and life and let go of so much of the freaking hardship!


  • You will learn how to tune into the energy of God-Source-Energy — The Grace of God, Zero Point Field energy aka a state of grace, aka gratitude, aka the feeling that is the creative force of the universe so you easily attract your desires


  • You will get processes to overcome resistance when you feel messed up and like nothing is working out so you get out of your funk and get back into the vortex


  • You will learn how to forgive yourself when things aren’t working, get out of judgement and love yourself fully so you get into alignment and become a conscious creator so things become so much better and much more easy for you


  • You will discover how to drop into your heart for real so you bypass the ego fear based mind and make decisions from a place of truth


  • You will learn how to be guided so you know the truth about everything, so you know what decisions to make


  • You will feel like opportunities are chasing you, especially once you have been practicing these processes for a few months and used the exercises to get out of resistance, life really will become easier and much more fun, so you will be abundant and a match to your desires


  • This program is journey. You can come back to this for months and years to come, dipping into the ones that call to you at the time, trusting you will get exactly what you need in that moment - because you will!


  • So if you are a leader of Love and Light, or you know in your heart you are ready to be…


  • And you want to make an impact in The World…


  • And you are ready to get control of your mind and therefore your LIFE….


  • Then please join us in this amazing journey…


  • Pay in full for a discount…


  • Sign up for an easy payment plan…


  • Do yourself a favor, and join in TRUST today!

Video: Why Writing What You Want Everyday Is NOT Working, & What To Do Instead

A powerful and potent wisdom drop straight from source teaching how you actually create on a deeper level

Discover How TRUST & Living IN THE NOW Helps You Live Your Purpose & Have Meaningful Life of Wonder and Joy