You know, it’s a lot harder to create your dreams, be productive and ‘manifest’ when you have up and down emotions that make you feel tired and put your body in pain…. Maybe you’ve gotten really good at pushing through – or maybe you’re the other side of the same coin and you procrastinate more than you wish to admit…
Either way – are you secretly sacrificing yourself for pursuit for some future thing? Instead of realizing that the ENERGY you DO the things in that create your future, actually SET your future results in stone.
Of course anything can be changed and redirected. But if you think things will change WHEN you reach that goal, and THEN you can look after your emotional/mental and physical health.. and THEN you can work on relaxing and gaining confidence… Well NO. It doesn’t work like that!
Because in the process of taking action, you are BEING a certain person.
So thinking you can just stress your way through even though you feel depleted at the end, just leaves you feeling depleted, wondering why reaching your goal didn’t actually feel that good. Do you know what I’m talking about here?
The answer that many smart leaders around The World figured out – is that you HAVE TO get your emotional / mental health in order to truly thrive. FIRST. And every step along the way.
Otherwise your secret doubts and insecurities get speed up. They gain on you. You go from just a small feeling of worry or overwhelming to eventually feeling like you’re gonna break under all this pressure. THAT is all emotions, baby.
Clear these emotions and you get CONTROL of yourself and your LIFE.
Allow these emotional habits and patterns to build and grow – you jack your system up with the stress hormone cortisol and start veering of course in a form of protection that I swear to you, you don’t even KNOW is happening, until it’s too late.
But not when you do your emotional clearing work with a gifted practitioner like myself.
Yes, you need your home practice.
And yes you may even be an incredible healer or a type of business superwoman already!
But we ALL have trauma STUCK IN OUR BODIES.
From decades and lifetimes of unfelt, repressed, and disregarded emotion that was never felt. Instead you powered on. You coped. You survived. You got through it.
Of course, these are all great things!
You really needed that at the time.
You didn’t know another way.
But it does build up.
You have memories and things inside that just thinking of them can make you cry – right?
Or perhaps you’re not a crier, which means you hold your stuff in even more – and perhaps you all of a sudden feel the urge to zone out and numb out with your favorite distraction, which again isn’t bad in itself…
It’s just that there IS another way.
It’s just like fitness.
The truth is you HAVE TO exercise if you want your body to remain fit, flexible and healthy.
And you can’t just exercise for a week and then never exercise again. You will regress.
The same with your emotional health.
This is THE life force giving, prosperity increasing, clarity giving STUFF that shakes you out of your slumber and into the life you really know in your heart you deserve and desire.
But its not the money, the fame, the relationships, the looks, or anything like that that is the answer. This is all the RESULT of BEING the person who has the money, fame, relationships, looks etc…
So to do this we rebuild your thought circuits.
So rather than protecting from fear, which feels natural, but is a programmed response, disconnected from your soul – you tap into the actual truth of ease, flow, positive push, purpose, creativity, and TRUST…
And you act from this space.
This is what I empower my private clients to do in each of our sessions.
We clear the fear – then yes, there will always be fear lol..
But its soooooooooooooooooooo much less…
You have such an easier time dealing with it..
Changing your mind about it (which is the crux of all transformation FYI – changing how you see things/changing your perception/adjusting your attitude)…
And being compelled into heart felt action that is actually important to YOU…
Not because you have to..
But because the doing of it makes you feel amazing afterwards…
And when repeated over time, along with your emotional clearing work you start LIVING AND BEING SUCCESS, instead of creating it far off in the future.. You start living as that successful person now.
If this sounds great to you.
Start with my single session.
This is a fully epic transformational experience.
You will gain so much clarity and insight – new energy to propel you forward..
You will release so much negative energy, I tell you, you don’t even realize is there until you release it and do this work!
Then if we’re a match I’ll invite you to come on my 6 month Holistic Success Journey.
This is a full body and LIFE reset.
We will go into every area of your life from business to relationships to health and anything that is important to you… And over these 6 months you will make changes WITHIN and in your physical life, business and relationships that greatly improve your physical well being and quality of life.
My clients experience so many random seeming things.
From getting hired to be on TV and in movies, to all of a sudden deciding they are done putting up with things and things fall in place for them to buy a beautiful house…
From having so much new energy they DO new things that lead to interviews, opportunities, new clients reaching out and hiring them as if by magic..
And importantly – relationships HEAL.
You learn to say NO when your body needs you to.
Do this I teach you how to actually listen to your body and have a compassionate relationship with yourself – so we change your self talk.
This doesn’t happen in just a few sessions.
We are changing deeply ingrained patterns that could stay with you for LIFE if you don’t do this subconscious healing work – I am telling you, you will be SHOCKED at what fears come out of your mouth when we do this work together.
If you are ready to do as the most successful people do and get support so you can quantum leap your success in ALL areas of your life…
INCLUDING HEALING CHRONIC ILLNESS AND PHYSICAL BODY PAIN PLUS ANXIETY, DEPRESSION, OVERWHELM and literally anything in the way of you living your desires – my method heals it all on an atomic level.
This work truly works like nothing else. So I am on a mission to make sure you KNOW that will cause positive INCREASE and expansion in your life.
DM me if you’re ready to heal your LIFE, grow your biz, improve your relationships, heal your body and start living THE LIFE you know in your heart you’re meant to live.
Let me know you’re interested in my 6 month journey and want to try the single session.
I am here to help.
Kai xo
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