Feeling Unworthy Is A Trigger & NOT Actually Meant To Be Normal + Why & How To Fix It


We ALL feel like this to some degree, don’t we?

What were you told you had to do or BE to be worthy?

What were you made to FEEL when you fell short?

What names did you get called, what looks did you get, how miserable did you feel when you just did NOT measure up?

Did you know the unworthy wound comes from a very specific place?

Ultimately, it begins as a child with our family.

Some of you reading may have had a great childhood so have no idea why you feel unworthy, insecure and scared about life… I’m about to reveal why…

Others reading know full well that childhood was rough so it makes sense why they feel so awful. No matter which end of the spectrum your unworthy complex lives on - it can be healed with a mindset workout schedule to shift the way you think and relate to yourself.

So what’s the goss?

For the first lot, you had such high expectations - you were likely praised for being smart, or fast, and great in some way. You were expected to get high grades and excel - and often you DID.

But this set up this inner fear that you might not actually be so great.

At times you found it so hard to keep up - you secretly knew you weren’t as smart / great etc as they said. Then as you had some failures you became more and more scared of losing that golden boy place as the great one in your parents eyes.

This will be exacerbated if your parents scolded you, became disappointed or gave you the silent treatment of some type. Basically when you didn’t jump through the hoops at the right height - they took their love away from you. No matter how briefly.

This doesn’t necessarily mean they were bad parents. It means they were human and subconsciously trained to do this by their own parents and society.

Read til the end to discover how to fix this deeply ingrained bioligcally programmed in pattern.

The other camp, the ones whose parents were outright abusive were told they were no good. Called names. Chastized. Made to feel like life was a chore and that they sucked at everything.

They may have been told they had potential if only they applied themselves - or maybe they got none of that at all.

Either way, just like above, they got a complex over their abilities and judged themselves by how well they did in school and or LIFE.

For BOTH camps, this could mean an entire LIFE-TIME of judging your level of worthiness on how well or bad you do at certain things. Whatever your parents really valued usually - but also school and society too of course.

Most people die with this insecurity in place.

Many SEEMINGLY successful people cover over their unworthy wounding with their accomplishments - but the second something goes wrong - it becomes all too easy to crumble.


Because when you take your achievements as a sign of whether you’re worthy of being loved, adored and respected or NOT - then so called FAILURE becomes very personal.

Like a hot knife burning through the skin - any set back will be another stab in the heart, PROVING to you what you secretly ‘knew’ all along - that SEE you really are an unworthy failure not deserving of Love.

This deserving of Love part is usually under the surface - most people don’t go around thinking those words - but that is exactly the TRUE issue beneath the surface.


So how to fix?

I know I promised I would tell you how - but it’s a complex subject that takes actually ‘working out’ spiritually and mentally/mindset speaking.

Essentially, you have to disconnect your sense of self from your accomplishments, from your looks, from your relationships and everything around you.

A VERY hard thing to do for most people because your body was built with the neural pathway programming and the nervous system casting (like its set ‘in stone’) that forces you to REACT and THINK in these certain pathways.

It can genuinely take years, or decades to change, if ever.

But it’s not all Doom and Gloom.

I have spent the last 2 decades overcoming my unworthy wounding.

It used to be a gaping chasm of self-sorrow. Not-goodenoughness. And dripping embarrassment just for being alive.

To say I’ve come far is a massive understatement.

I’m still not perfect obviously because I am human.

But now I have mastered some essential LIFE-SKILLS…

The sorts of things everyone says they wish were taught as kids, but don’t even know EXIST… These mindset methods, healing processes and spiritual practices that will unhook you from this torrential NEED to prove you are worthy over and over again…

And finally bring you into a place of PEACE.

Love. Self-approval and belief..

This of course then leads to those wonderful results in life you always desired but kept pushing away due to this ‘I feel unworthy or like I don’t matter’ wounding.

But rather than needing it, it becomes fun!

Rather than that secret desperate energy you seem to hide so well most of the time..

You feel ease, and joy and trust in yourself!

Rather than believing that your failures are a testament to who you are - you drop them like they’re hot - and see them as what they truly are - a list of tools to learn from and move on from.

It really does get to be this simple.

And this is why I am so excited to introduce to you…

My newest and most amazing live guided, 5 week subconscious reprogramming program:


Worthy is going to take you on a journey that strips back these layers of fear and belief that make you feel unworthy, not good enough, like you don’t matter or like nobody cares.

You will discover exactly how to change this in your life

AND with my uniquely powerful Heart and Soul Freedom Technique we will deprogram you back to Soul, and build you back up with encouraging, Love-based beliefs where you just KNOW you are worthy as you are right now.

You will accelerate your business / audience growth.
AND stop feeling down when you don’t get engagement on your posts or the right amount of people sign up to your programs…
Funnily enough THIS is part of detachment and surrender, which makes you magnetic so your audience flocks to you (because the unworthy wound repels the right people from your life!)
So yes for sure this will change your inner World, which is the true prize - but we also work on your audience growth, retention plus your magnetism and charisma too!

We begin in about 2 weeks.

For fast action early birds who join in the NEXT 2 DAYS ONLY I am rewarding you for saying yes to your success with Fast Action Eagle Bonus.

Why an Eagle bonus lol?

Well because they are one of the best birds and this is a hell yeah no-brainer bonus!

First of all, Worthy itself is worth joining alone - you would be crazy not to jump in and grab your spot if you’re still reading this far…


And the Fast Action Eagle Bonus includes:

A 1 to 1 Subconscious Reprogramming Session with me! Valued at $400

A Ticket into an upcoming online Manifesting Success Workshop with me (to be run at the end of Worthy) Valued at $250

AND You also get one of my Favorite programs I’ve ever made:

Quantum Leap Your TRUE Success Digital Homestudy Program: Valued at $444.

I’m not sure how long I will keep doing bonuses THIS amazing for my upcoming programs either. This really is crazy amazing value for a relatively low cost program, which could easily be priced 4 or 5 times what I’m charging when you look at the industry standard.

For THIS level of LIFE-LASTING Transformation…

Seriously my Loves…

This work lasts for years and years because when you change your subconscious beliefs, (which the mainstream still thinks is impossible to this level) then you change what actions you take, what people you attract into your life, the quality of your relationships, and just so, so much more!

If you would like to jump in, don’t wait til the end this time because just for right now - you can get the Fast Action Eagle Bonus as my gift to you for saying yes to YOU.

There is a gold standard entry group level and VIP add on level where you get private sessions and bespoke messenger coaching with me!

Sales page is dropping a little later.

If you want to know more or are ready to say yes drop me a message or comment now to ask any questions and snag your spot in WORTHY today.

With Love
Kai xo