The ones I’m here to speak to are my Soul-People! We have a message to share with The World. We are creators, visionaries, writers and mystics. We are the wonderful weirdos. The black and rainbow ‘sheep’ of the family.

We could all feel there was something terribly WRONG with The World ever since we were a child - but because we are human, we internalized this into our subconscious programs to believe that there was something wrong with us.

Our fear of others is in direct contrast with your yearning craving to belong.. To share… To create and play with other amazing like-minded people also on their healing journey.

So the good news is - we are all on the internet! We can all find each other easily now. Lets use this time to reach out and create community connections so many of us can move closer and live in communities where we block the others out and only allow like minded Soul-People and their families into our communities. That is my long term vision for life.

I’ll be frank here — it took me YEARS to de-program from the pain, trauma and inverted Matrix programming.

Of course it is a life time journey - it never stops because we truly are infinite beings of Love and Light. We always have another level to go to.

But if you are constantly holding yourself back waiting to be BETTER before you take action. Waiting to KNOW HOW so you don’t fail… Then you have got it wrong. That doesn’t make you bad or unworthy.

My point is, it’s the exact opposite -you already ARE worthy. Because worthiness is an energy state, not some prize you earn for good behavior. You think jumping through those hoops to make that money, land that relationship or lose that weight is going to make you worthy?

No. It wont.

The only thing that will make you feel worthy is 1. The inner energy work it takes to dissolve that toxic guilt and shame. Followed by 2. Taking brave action to move forward with your purpose work even while you’re scared!

And knowing that you actually DO matter. You not showing up, or you showing up to a watered down version of you is depriving your Soul-People of the gift you came to this Earth to share with them.

You will never be ready, or there, or know how UNTIL you start before you know how.

You just start with what’s available to you.

You lean into the ideal version of yourself.

You forgive yourself when you fail - not just daily but moment to moment

You tune into trust

You focus on your deeper desire, and not just the vehicle you THINK you want…

And this is what I am teaching in Vibe! Increase Cash In Your Business From Soul, Ease & Flow, while Stepping Into Your Future Self Who KNOWS The Right Moves To Make.

I am so excited for everyone who has joined already…

If you are resonating with this post and you have dreams of being a prolific writer, leader, healer, luminary and or creative….

Then I strongly encourage you to join us in this 3 week, low cost intensive.


Why? Because this work is going to be a massive game changer!

Vibe will get you to prioritize your messaging and health and highest values - so you stack your habits in a way that actually works.

As someone who was punished all her childhood and chastized every step of the way - I thought discipline was a dirty word

But now I’m learning and practicing the joy of discipline more and more, I want to share with you what has and continues to work for me to overcome that resistance and actually DOOO your Soul-Work in a way that gets results for you.. And to teach you how to R.E.L.A.X so you become the energy of your deepest desires.

We will be doing my unique subconscious reprogramming Heart and Soul Energy Activations (which btw I have another free one on Wednesday - so PM me or comment to join that)

AND Vibe starts on Tuesday the 6th - thats tomorrow.

Now is the time to get in.

I think I have one or two more top BONUSES - for being a fast action take you get a magical 1 to 1 energy healing and activation session with me - where you clear whatever is in your way.

If you have physical stuff like back pain, fibro, stomach spasms - you need this because I heal pain for breakfast.

If you have anxiety, overwhelm, resistance or overworking into exhausting habits - you need this, because I cure anxiety in those willing to actually DOOO my processes.

Plus whatever your block - ALL my work is designed to remove the blocks in the way of your purpose driven Soul-Aligned Success!

But even if you miss out on the fast action bonus - Vibe itself is incredibly powerful and as I said, will be a game changer.

By the end of the 3 weeks, you will be thinking about your business and success DIFFERENTLY. You will see how easy it gets to be. You will have a practice put in place that if you continue to use it will compound your success over time to create immense results in your business and life. I know this for SURE.

So don’t miss out on this one.

If you are a creative, luminary leader and you are yearning for those .next levels’… Then you HAVE TO JOIN because im going to help you step into those next levels now, using what you have available to you. AND my energy work will diminish your fear and help you take brave action that lights you up and makes you feel aaaamaaaazing!!!!

So what do you say? If you are getting a yes, nodding your head - then join us now.

Oh and btw, there are MORE bonuses valued at $450 on top, which is ridiculous for such a low cost program - but my Soul wants me to make this a no-brainer offer for you!

Go here to read more, and click the button in there to get the price and sign up to join us:

And make sure you reply to your welcome email so we can celebrate your committment to you! <3 <3 <3