This is the ultimate truth:

It’s never the thing that’s wrong but the narration about it in the person’s mind.

Some examples:


Money Drama:

It’s not the boom and bust of money..


It’s thinking that the money will run out, feeling panicky and calling yourself a failure that perpetuates the situation. You may feel embarrassed for where you’re at.. Or scared without enough money..

So you feel unworthy and like you have to prove yourself.. Which Traps you in a cycle of drama that constantly proves you’re not enough because you’re taking action from not being enough.


Emotional Eating and Weight Gain Issues:

Its not the over eating…

It’s the shame you feel along with the trying to figure out how to fix it instead of trusting yourself and being in tune with your body…

You may feel unworthy unless you look a certain way, which makes you feel awful so you need food or something to escape yourself.


Relationship Issues:

Its not the fight you had with that person…

It’s how you practice further fights in your head and tell stories about what they are thinking when you have no idea. You may feel unlovable unless you act a certain way, so you hide your real self.. Which causes people to react badly to you.


Feeling Like You’re Not Enough

Its that you think there is something wrong with you, which then makes you act in weird and sabotagey ways. This causes things to go wrong. Further proving your belief you’re not enough. But it’s that from a young age you thought you were lacking so everything goes haywire.

Drop that, and tap into trust, self care, and self conversation from a place of wise compassion and within months everything can begin to change.


Next Steps:

Now, if you are DONE with your old ways of feeling confident one day but finding yourself insecure and doubtful the next - then I invite you to expand yourself by joining me in my low cost members club.

Right now its only $33 a month ($22 for your first month trial)

But I actually jam cram it with so much value the price will be rising over time.

Join now to get locked in at this insane price for the entire time you choose to stay with us….

And yes, Im talking about my Spiritual Expansion Society - I am SO proud of this work and I just know that if you use my processes as part of your regular inner work/ success mindset and subconscious reprogramming practice - then you will see massive changes over time

I have a unique way of explaining how to actually shift your mindset…

I show you ways to think that propel you forward and tap you into your greatest self - so you trust in God/The Universe to actually provide you (and this trust then activates good to come to you!)

I empower you to overcome negative thinking and take action from you Soul!



Valued at $100 easily per masterclass, this month is all about getting out of problem solving and into the solution so you can manifest and create easier than ever before


Go here to join us and get instant access to your members area with additional transformational teachings now



Then join me in 1:1 sessions…

Nothing is more valuable than reprogramming your subconscious.

Every person I work with uncovers something so deep that has been controlling their life negatively - even the successful VPs, CEOs and high level entrepreneurs ALL have deep seated issues hidden and repressed under the surface

This could be causing you back pain or sciatica or stomach spasms

Or feeling like you’re not enough UNLESS… (fill in the blank)

Or making you work extra hours to feel like you deserve the money (but you dont know it consciously, so the money is slower than it could be)

Or sabotaging your relationships

What is THAT THING that is tricky in your life?

THAT THING that keeps repeating, and seems like this is just how it is?

What is THAT THING for you, that slows you down and makes you scared?

Lets work on it together to free you from the subconscious shackles that hold you back and slow you down so you can enjoy your life, your relationships, your business and your flow more than ever before!

We start with an initial session…

Then if you’re a good fit, and LOVE the work - then we can go on a longer spiritual success healing journey together…

Go here to get your spot in my calendar to work with me 1:1

Or hit reply to ask any questions

Kai Ashley xo