Did you know that because you can SEE IT you can choose it and trust that your deepest desire is taken care of now, so will happen?

But only if you actually choose it. 

Did you know that if you can Desire it and see it within you, then it is available to you?

So then your job is to get out of the damn way with your doubts, your complaints and your internal whining…

And simply choose that yes. This is happening.

Either this or something better.

You get to choose that yes. This is who I am.

How do I know it’s possible?

“Because I see it inside of me,” you tell yourself…

Because when you have a DESIRE, it is a promise from God, letting you know the pathway is lit up in the darkness…So why do you resist?

Because parts of you believe you are small. Not good enough. Won’t be accepted…

And you’ve been taught that reality doesn’t work that way.

But it does.

You wonder why you do rituals and prayers and work you ass off to try and make your dreams come true… Yet you still sabotage, procrastinate, or overwork into overwhelm and exhaustion?

It’s because parts of you aren’t willing to dare to believe.

You want to..

But you refuse to,

1 Because you don’t believe it can be that easy.

And 2 because you don’t know HOW to actually change your subconscious beliefs.


You have simply bought into the idea that you have to be positive. Full stop. The End.

But what if that’s not the end?

(Hint: It’s NOT)

You must know how to convince yourself into believing in your dreams.

In believing that yes it is happening even though you do not know the way.

So I invite you right now to practice choosing YES this is happening..

But then actually notice where in your body, and where in your life you do NOT believe, no matter how much you tell yourself you do.

This is where work is to be done.

And btw its not enough to choose it just in the morning, or at night.

You must be checked in, tuned in through the day and honest with yourself.

ARE you actually choosing that yes this is happening?

Did you get a knock back and then decide oh no im not worthy this might not work?

Well if so, then you have slipped out of alignment with your belief and you are no longer attracting it / creating it / choosing it in that moment,

This is the work is to be done.

Don’t give up babe. You can do this.


I remember when I set of on my personal development journey, trying to be a good person…

How I made such improvements! But it was up and down for years.

As I released the gritty parts of my mean exterior… The spines and thorns and throwing barbs I had put up around me to protect me from others…

I began to realize how scared of people I actually was.

I began to care what others thought, and this brought up the awareness of what a mess I really was.

Only after I began to heal, did I see just how much I had to left heal.

Once I dropped the meanness and focused on being an honest, moral person, I still had far to go.

Years later, when I had my nervous breakdown because I refused to see a way out of corner I had trapped myself in… That was my wake up call!

This spiritual breakthrough led me to energy healing.

Within a year my lung disease rose to the surface, the worst it had ever been.

And I refused to look at my behavior, I refused to stop the party and look after my body.

So I descended into extreme sickness and almost died.

Fortunately, energy healing dramatically saved my LIFE in the final hour, right where I almost dropped dead from walking pneumonia..

That was back in 2011. I used to have severe lung pain, coughs, bronchitis and pneumonia pretty much every year for a decade and all throughout my childhood….

So to say I haven’t had a lung issue since 2011 - 9 and a half freaking YEARS is what miracles are made of.

So if you’re new to me…

I am all about sharing the wonders of what has worked for me.

I am all about empowering you to heal your mind, body, nervous system and move forward in your God Given purpose to help or inspire others, in whichever way you do.

That’s who I am.

If you would like help discovering who you are and becoming HER…

I would love to invite you to my 3 week intensive Vibe.

There are still THREE out of the six bonus 1 to 1 magical private sessions with me.

All my work is ultimately centered in helping you be successful in your purpose.

But to do that I heal your body on all levels - whatever YOUR block is, physical, emotional, or just a little insecure…. We heal what is ACTUALLY in the way of you living the fullness of you

I can heal painful stomach spasms, sciatic pain you were told was physical but haha actually is emotional, I know this for a fact because I heal backpain for breakfast…

I can heal anxiety, fear, pain, blame, victim minded thinking, shame, abuse, and more.

This empowers you to feel safe, passionate and capable to achieve and handle your goals.

The one session will be a magical step in your healing journey…

And the 3 week Vibe Intensive, another magical step too.

Together I will teach you how to actually CHOOSE.

How to change your beliefs, how to step into the next level you AND how to share your message and make great cash in your biz from soul, ease and flow!

Want to know more?

Go below to read more, sign up now and then message me so we can celebrate together!


Send you Lots of Love and Magical Blessings

Kai xo