YOU ARE MAGIC. Divine. Incredible!

You are created by The Infinite Intelligence. Every particle of your being is FULL of this Divine energy that created you and all else.

When it seems like things have to be done a certain way because that’s how everyone else does it….

Remember that’s a LIE.

There is no such thing as SHOULD, in the sense that you should do it one way like everybody else.

In fact, all strategies were originally made up!

All rules were made up!

None of them mean anything except the meaning we give them.

So in today’s message to remind you of just how powerful you are - let go of should.

Stop the habitual pathway and please just PAUSE for one moment…

Check in with yourself…

And ask how you would be doing it if you got to make up the rules - because the truth is you DO!

There is a trick to this!

The trick is to ASK…. *What would I be doing if I knew for sure that I got to make up the rules and do life how I wished it could be?*

Then PAUSE, LISTEN, and open in a curious fashion


Be in the question.

Ask the question again softly, in a musing way… STAY in the energy of the question 🙂

I call it the Air Head.

It’s where brilliant ideas drop into your head.

Because how can you hear Divine guidance when you’re so busy thinking over it?

And of course the next trick is if you’re not sure - keep asking - IF I did know… If I DID know… If I did KNOW…. What might it be?

Third trick?

It’s to allow yourself to RECEIVE the vision.

From the air head, open and curious state above…

You enjoy that energy and as you do, some images or ideas will come to you.

They may be a flickering at first.

So allow that.

They will get clearer.

Go with what you see and TRUST it!

This is my soul transmission for you today - how has it helped?

Plz to let me know your experience, and feel free to ask me any questions about it on this FB post here

For those of you ready for MORE..

To go really deep with this…

If you’re release the monkey mind that stresses you out and takes you out of calm…

If you’re ready to truly LOVE the success you’ve already created while dropping into deeper and higher levels of bliss and fortitude…

I invite you to join me in a one time offer at this price…

My 4 month private coaching container:

Subconscious Magic!

Your subconscious holds every experience you’ve ever had,

More so - it holds you decisions ACTIVE.

Like back in third grade or whenever…

When you got hurt by that boy, teased by those friends, or your mother yelled at you because you were being too much (insert your story)

In your little child’s mind you were THINKING.


You were CREATING.

But you didn’t know you were, of course!

When those events happened - at the time you made a decision.

It would have sounded like:

*Mom yells at you and makes you feel bad in front of everyone*

Little you thinks: I better not speak up again otherwise people will attack me and I’ll be embarrassed…

Then over the years as you shone brightly, as you did…

You noticed people attacking you… Judging you… Shaming you for being YOU…

And even with everything you’ve created until this very day - that little tiny (but BIG) decision you made is still effecting your life every single day.

Puppetting your decisions…

Holding you back in certain ways that may even seem imperceptible to others…

But you KNOW you have these doubts and insecurities..

Whatever your story and decision was - we go in and change them!

Drop you into the core of who you truly are…

Using my proven to work, potent techniques and my 12 years of experience transforming lives across the globe…

We reprogram your subconscious…

Work to heal any chronic physical pain you may have, if you do…

Clear the emotions that cause overwhelm, hesitation, or its converse rushing and never relaxing.

You will see your relationships harmoniously change as if by magic!

You will tap into more confidence than ever before in a way that is safe and ‘allowed’ (by you and accepted by others) because we release the secret programs from the past, so you become free in ways that can not even be described.

And yes of course this leads to all the good stuff we want - more clients who get you, more energy to spend with your loved ones and to put into your passions, more money from the opportunities you easily allow into your life and more EASE because I drop you deeper into trust so during the challenging situations I’m there with you, helping you see it in a whole new light!

If this is for you, I have 5 spots left…

This is a limited time pricing…

  • 4 months to shift and uplevel in wonderful and surprising ways
  • Private 1:1 Coaching using my unique and proven to work laser coaching techniques and transformational processes
  • Weekly Sessions together, just you and me going deep and leaving you high vibe and full of strength and potency (3 a month)
  • Telegram Messenger Coaching to tap you into the most powerful version of yourself
  • 6 monthly payments of $444 or PIF discount of $2444
Frankly, this is a massive discount from what my programs usually are - but I trust what comes through me and this is what I’ve been guided to charge… So for those of you who take fast action to begin this journey, you will NOT be the same person in 4 months - except you will be more yourself than ever before! (This is what dozens of my clients say to me about their experience, btw!)
Just like my client who did a few sessions with me and then received a $6000 payment from an ideal client immediately…
Another who signed her perfect 10K client while we were working on healing her back pain…
Another who signed a year long client who paid in full…
Another who got a high 6 figure inheritance released to her with her benefactor blessedly still alive - we actually worked on a session directly on their relationship. Then 2 weeks later he told her he had decided to gift her with this money now, with more on the way in the future.
Another who overcame fear of being visible, and in process of launching her business through our work together - we also healed excruciating painful stomach spasms she had for 4 years which doctors could do NOTHING about - but within 3 months we healed her spasms AND launched her business too!
Another came to me saying she felt cursed and unlucky in Love. Also traumatized about going into business for herself, convinced she couldnt do it. With some long term work together, she changed it all around, released her fears and resentments, learned how to communicate how she was feeling, go the download to start a new business and sold her first products on Amazon… AND met an amazing, well off man who is a loving, great catch!. They just bought their first house and its gorgeous…
Another released her fears through our work and soon after an amazing business opportunity came to her that she embraced, our work opened up the doorway for her and within a year she had created a thriving business and community for herself!
Another had a phobia of being on camera… She is a best selling author, you may even know her work! After our work together she completely unfroze and became confident on camera - last time I checked she had grown her YouTube channel to over 70,000 subscribers! All because she said yes to doing the inner work with me that works!
Yet another who came to me for health fears. She was in seeing the doctor all the time for these phantom pains all through her body. The doctors of course couldn’t do anything… So she came to me and after just a few months of work we healed those pains, helped her feel safe in her body AND in the process she took her Instagram account from just over 300 followers to 25.5K. We didnt even work directly on that - but we worked on her fears of being seen and her fears of not finishing things plus through our work she got the permission to throw herself into her passions, which was creating beautiful photos with fashion that people on IG went crazy for. She messaged me thank you and told me that never wouldn’t have happened without my work!
And another who couldn’t walk properly because her feet hurt so much! They were scrunched up and all painful! Through our work together we healed that pain, and its gone. Her feet are as good as new!
I could go on. Ive been doing this for years and have helped so many people with so many things - all because we work with the subconscious AND the energy  body - so I release the trauma aka emotional toxins stored in there!
This is for you if you already consider yourself successful, but you KNOW you have more to go - because the truth is we all do - you are just one of the smart ones who are in this game for the journey of expansion and growth because you know the better you get the better your life gets!
So if this is for you - there are 5 spots left. They will go quick because it’s been a long time since I’ve offered this price and payment plan option.
Hit reply on my Facebook to get your spot so we can book in your first session and get started!
With Love
Kai Ashley xoÂ